Color our World Contest

TLDR Details:
Color in the cover of your book, or print out a copy of the cover and color it in, submit it via email, twitter, or discord, have a shot at winning a signed and stitched edition of the the Gællæffa Guide to Troika! for yourself or a friend.

Every participant adds one digital community copy to the store.
You have until August 15th.

All entries will also be featured in a gallery on this site at the end of the contest.

Hello everyone!

To celebrate wrapping up the release of the Gællæffa Guide to Troika! as well as our new website, I wanted to run a little contest inspired by our good friend Framweard.

Framweard sent me this beautiful picture of their front cover of the Gællæffa Guide to Troika! fully colored in and I was honestly moved.

So Here's the Details

If you have a copy of the Gællæffa Guide to Troika, and you want to color in the cover, do so and send me a picture.

You can email it to me at, send it to me on discord lief#7413, or post with on twitter and @Omnimyth.

On August 15th I will pick 3 submissions using a random number generator, those individuals can get a free signed and stitched copy of the book sent to a person of their choice (yourself, your friend, your mom, your grandma, etc..)
Don't have a copy of the book to color on the cover? No problem... Download a copy of the cover below, print it out, and color it in!

In addition, for every submission I will add 1 digital community copy to the pool of available community copies on our store.

So get out there, color in a map, and share it with the world. There's no "right or wrong" way to do it.